SW 14 link to the active configuration and plan



I would like to create a link with an SW14 part file and the plan. Let me explain:

The part file contains several configurations. I would like the associated plan to update according to the active configuration in the part file. Ideally, when the user has added his new dimensions in the excel file of the part family and the file is updated when it is opened, that the drw file asks which configuration to choose when it is opened and therefore updates.



thank you in advance




It is possible to choose in the view options, a particular configuration (or according to the parent) and on the parent view, I believe it is possible to choose to display "the last active view".


Thus, the drawing will always show the latest active configuration.


Otherwise, you will have to go through a macro ...


It offers all the configurations but you have to reselect it. I would like that depending on the one that was activated under SW or at the limit when opening the plan file, it would ask to select the configuration to display.

I can't find last seen active!

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Lucas Proeure's method works but I find it a bit dangerous not to block the configuration

Why not duplicate the sheet and enable the configurations in each of the sheets 




Or it would be necessary that with each new configuration, the plan file would create a new sheet. But apart from going through an acro I would only see that. The pb is that I don't manage the VBA under SW. I knew Excel well but at least 2 years that I haven't practiced!

The option is in the view properties


ok I'll try. Thank you

Yes, as stated in my first answer, it's in the view options.