SW 2019 Dragging Dropped from Library No Longer Works

Hello to you,

Since this morning and after several SW and PC boots , I have a bug that prevents me from dragging parts from my library to my assembly.

Would you have had this little bug?

Otherwise in the meantime I can open my part  and go through "insert components" in the meantime.

Thank you in advance.


Kind regards


I already had this bug in 2017. 

It is often the solidworks install registry that is corrupted.



Thank you for your feedback, I'll test it as soon as possible.

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I realized in the meantime that it affected all windob so I didn't make your modification so I continued the research on the net.

There can be several reasons for this problem:

- The registry at the windows level / explorer whose registry has been modified by a third party software.

- The Esc key is blocked.

- Or in my case the solution was to do a user disconnection  / reconnection so that it works again. (and not a reboot)

So in summary, you shouldn't limit yourself to SW but more to Win10 (in my case) to see in the 3 proposals the one that corresponds to your case.