Sw 2022 SP4

Hello colleagues,

Has any of you had this problem with the update; I no longer have the Sw menu when I right-click on a PRT/DRW or ASM in the Windows menu.

And I don't have the fold lines that are displayed in the dxf anymore despite the check to show the fold lines...

I ran a repair of Sw to see if there was a bug of this co^ty but nothing changed...

Thank you for your feedback 

Ac Cobra 427 :-) 



I have the problem with my macro for DXF which no longer puts the fold lines, on the other hand if I save under - DXF ... It is displayed well on the DXF

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 @mooky I also noticed it with my macro for DXF but I also have the problem by saving it as :-( .

I did the update yesterday and since the problems and this is the 1st time I've used Sw "2006 -:)" it doesn't make me any younger ...

Maybe an option that jumped during the update.

Have you tried to start SW with a factory profile?

You can do this temporarily (1 opening) via SW RX:

If the PB is still there without the options, it's probably a bug.

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@sbadenis thank you I'll test it afterwards via my remote connection.  

@sbadenis I just tested in safe mode and by making file save as DXF then I select line of folds they are in it but not with the macro..  I think that since I use SW 2006 this is the version with which I had the most problems...


after an uninstall and then total reinstallation I have again the rename ect menu in Windows but for DXF exports no more bend line either by macro or save as..   

I just did the update in SP5 and still no bend lines when using the macro ...
on the other hand I have them with save as ...

Hello @mooky ,

I also did the update but nothing changes; whether with the macro or via save-as; Not the bend line :pensive:

First of all, it's weird that at home it works with save under and not at yours :thinking: (well, you have to validate the fold lines each time).
I hope that with the 2023 version the problem will be solved I lose a lot of time every time :smiling_face_with_tear:

Yes it's weird I've done several repairs. The next step is the complete :pensive: reinstallation. In any case I don't think it's cool because those for whom maintenance stops end up with a nice M...

Maybe it has something to do with hidden (semi-hidden) layers and sketches and the famous "don't show warning message again" checkbox.
Have you tried a layer layout in drawing than in template?
and do you use the same macros? Maybe the functional macro uses a custom setting and then restores user preferences?

Good evening @Lynkoa15 ,

Thank you for your answer but the fold lines are all visible when unfolding and drawing but do not export when creating the dxf while they are active

Maybe ask the hotline?
Either a new option has appeared, or it is a known or unknown bug of the hotline.
Not having the 2022 to date difficult for me to help you more.

I just did a complete uninstall then a complete cleaning as well as the deletion of all the folders and finally a reinstall and kidney doesn't change it... :sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy:

For the Solidworks Menu (Windows Explorer),

Try re-installing the " Solidworks Files-Utilities " menu
(The setup should be in the download directory:
....\SolidWorks Downloads\SOLIDWORKS 2022 SP04\SWFileUtilities.)

As for DXF bend lines, try adding a sketch line (construction) in the bend function (create a " fake " sketch with a strong stroke and a construction line).
Kind regards.

Note: On the other hand, the 2022sp5 version is already available! Less than a month before the release of the sp4 it's that the publisher realized that he had a problem...)

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@sbadenis, it seems that you are right, they have introduced a new Option.
@ac_cobra_427 have you cleaned the registry? , with the emulation of the original options that sbadenis offered you it worked (or less for manual export) it is very likely that it loaded the options before reinstallation!

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That's what I thought, the bend lines are hiding or showing up in a different display function or hidden sketches now.
So your macro can't be functional with this new option, @ac_cobra_427 I'm afraid that part of this macro needs to be reviewed.

I have all the options enabled as well as the latest version available and I cleaned the registry and everything else. It doesn't change anything, no bend line via macro, via save as and even in safe mode via RX.
I've been working since 2007 on Sw and I've been doing the installation and update and I've never had any problems except 2022... :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat:

Here is the function in the SW2022 API:

The general link:
The links to the options (the one concerned = swDisplayBendLines)
/SOLIDWORKS. Interop.swconst~SOLIDWORKS. Interop.swconst.swUserPreferenceToggle_e.html
Join your original macro, maybe a charitable soul will help you modify it!
For my part, I don't have the 2022 so it's difficult to test.

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