SW : Angle de depouille

dear community,

I have designed this parts.

this parts have two claw for fix to a PCB (1.6mm). My aim is to add a tiny angle on each claw for to be sur that that this parts fit exactly to the pcb.
My pcb : 1.6mm
The claw : Start 1.65mm / End 1.55mm

for my the best function is to use the « clearance angle », but the result is not good.
do you an idea ?

1 « J'aime »

Make a sketch and remove the material. Quick and easy for a not very complicated part
Suggested K.I.S.S. method

4 « J'aime »

Hello Zozo_pm,
what’s K.I.S.S. method?
Thank for your answer.

This is kissing your computer and maybe it does what you want :rofl:

1 « J'aime »

hello @A_R

Le principe est toujours de faire le plus simple possible.

Keep It Simple and Stupide


1 « J'aime »

OK ok ok !!!
Merci pour ton message … ainsi je peux améliorer mon vocabulaire en UK…
bon après-midi,@+