SW: Central silt problem that flattens


I'm having a problem on solidworks, I want to draw a quarter turn left staircase with central stringer. But when I launch the "Boss/Swept Base" function, my stringer rotates if I set to "follow the trajectory", or flattens after the turn if I set to "keep normal constant" (see photo).


How could I remedy this problem please?


Thank you very much for your help!


Draw the profile of the tube at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the trajectory, SW will force himself to go through these profiles and the rendering will be nikel!

And by resolving the constraints of departure and arrival?


If the finish is tangent to the curve, it should end straight logically.

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In the worst case, for more complex shapes, lengthen the curve and remove material afterwards.

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Try selecting "Follow Path" for the Orientation/Torsion Type, for the "None" Path Alignment Type, and finally for the tangencies, "None" as well.

See attached image.


Are you the best Benoit;)

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I tried what you suggested and it works well when the guide curve is a propeller. However, my curve is made thanks to a sketch fillet between two straight lines at 45 degrees rising (to create a quarter-turn staircase, with the turn about halfway up the climb).


Is it only possible to do this with a fillet or do you have to use the propeller function? (I find that using the leave is simpler to have a constant slope...)


Thank you very much for your help, it's nice not to feel alone!


Have a nice day


That's what we come here for: to help!  :)

So fix: Create a new sketch that will only have a vertical stroke, or a vertical "reference axis" from your Left and Face planes. Then in the scan function, choose "Direction Vector" for the path alignment type and select the right of the new sketch or the reference axis.

View image


Great, that's exactly it!

Thank you. Have a good day and maybe see you soon because I haven't reached the end of my difficulties in my opinion;)

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You should know that there have been several conversations about stair stringers. You can find them by typing "stringer" in this page: https://www.google.fr/cse/publicurl?cx=016865181391645043588:4adu2dupoya

See you soon! :)

Hi everyone!

OK, well done!

Sorry I'm digging up but I find myself in the same mood...

I have more or less the same problem but it doesn't work in my case with Benoit's solution...

3D sketch with sketch fillet, 180x80 section on plane perpendicular to the trajectory (unlike the case presented by jordan.kulikovsky where the section seems to be "vertical" with respect to the "inclined" trajectory)

By choosing a "direction vector" (vertical axis) it improves the schmilblik a little but I have a big swelling of the section in the turn (it is not tangete...)

A solution perhaps?

And while I'm at it, one question is bothering me: does anyone know how this kind of silt is made?

Thank you!


 @ Raphaël BORNARD

opens another communication thread

and put screenshots from the top front and right side

how you made the curve on your 3D sketch for the resumption of the 2 lines

@+ ;-)

PS which versionSW