SW14 how to break a link to another asm.?



I can't create a reference in the one-part assembly because it has a reference in another assembly. However, I created another piece without even going after a copy and SW always tells me this pb. How does this link directly break?


Thank you


The problem probably comes because you created this part in an assembly with refs of this said assembly (constraints)

so this piece must be its own constraints to save it in part

then you can use it as you wish since it has become independent of the first assembly and it has its own name

@+ ;-)

On your part, point to the sketch or feature that has the external reference to be deleted, right-click, "External references".


There you see all the external references of this sketch or function > "Break everything".


A ">x" sign will appear on sketches or functions whose references have been broken.


 PS: if you still want to draw your part in several contexts, you must check the following option: Tools/Options/External references, "Allow multiple contexts for parts when editing in an assembly"


To complete, a part created in an assembly is constrained "on site".

This constraint must be removed to make it completely independent of the assembly.

This may be where it gets stuck if all the external refs have already been deleted.



File/open/  click on the part in question, and click on the reference buttons. fill in your assembly and it's ok