SW2012 : Creation of a groove for an O-ring


I want to make a groove for O-ring on a cylinder. In no particular order, I think of axis of symmetry, new plane, drawing of the groove and then extrusion but nothing to do... I heard about a Raynure function, but I couldn't find it at home.

Any idea?

On the photo, "selected", the two surfaces on which I want to have a scratching.


Hello. Have you tried a material removal by revolution?



The simplest way is to create a plane going through the center of you are two surface, and then you create a sketch on one of them to create the groove. You can repeat the operation on the second one or make a symmetry ...

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Without meaning to, just like a mandrake.



So yes, that's what I was thinking about.

I have my plane going through the center of my two cylinders. On the other hand , I guess I also have to create at least one axis of symmetry, right?


Yes, an axis or a plane.

No in this case you have two solutions, first you have to do the removal by revolution on one of the cylinders, then either you do the same thing for the second one or you do a symmetry.


For symmetry you take the plane on the right, or you create a plane between the two cylinders. But it's the function that needs to be symmetrical and not the sketch, otherwise you'll have 3 axes of revolution and you won't be able to do the removal on only one of the cylinders, unless I'm mistaken.


Otherwise you can make a complete sketch with both machining but when creating the feature you have to select a single outline and redo the feature with the same sketch for the second contour.

Kind regards

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It's done!

Thank you for your advice!