SW2013 - Angle Problem Between Part File and Drawing File

Hi all

Here is my problem, having to draw a pergola using the SW2013 welded construction module, I encounter the following anomaly:

When I use the "Measure" tool to find out the value of the angles on my part file for the profile cut, I get the value of 76°17 for the first and 37°16 for the second (see the Pergola.jpg file)

When I make the drawing of this body, the values of the angles are no longer the same, I then obtain 66°68 and 34°84 and yet the dimensions are in real sizes (see the file Pergola.jpg)

I can't explain this difference and I don't see if it's due to a mistake on my part.

I should point out that I use SW 2013 premium on Windows 10.

Thank you in advance for your suggestions that I look forward to.


try to put the same view on the side 

3D and your drawing

to be able to compare

+ if it's the 3D odds

a y like a big pale;-)

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have you tried measuring with the edges you used on your MEP (watch out for hidden dotted edges on your MEP)? 

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To check, you just have to save a new view in the 3D  and or make a MEP of it or the view in court... Then coast and compare.

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For me, the values differ because you don't measure on the same levels.

You can try to make two auxiliary views following the faces of your profile and place the dimensions on these views. You should find the same values.


Hello to all of you,

Thank you for taking the time to answer me to try to solve this problem.

I actually re-saved my part file and created a new drawing. Unfortunately I find the same anomalies.

I don't understand why using hidden edges or hidden edges of my profile can be a problem?

To allow you to better understand this problem I am contacting the pierce filekeeper, this will allow you to test eventually.

Once again, a big thank you to all of you.


redo your 3D dimensions of the same view

than your drawing

and compares

post of the screens of these 2 views

Your quotations on the same level as the plan of the rooms?


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In fact I think I understand, when you measure with surfaces, the measurements are made according to planes of reference parallel or perpendicular to these surfaces. Whereas if you take edges  , the reference planes are those of the room. Your rectangular profile is angled in all views according to the room plans. 

I made full-scale views: front view = end of the profile (which I straightened for ease of reading)

Attached is the MEP and its model (SW13)

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yes @ stefbeno well seen

So these quotes are quotes in relation to a plan and the pieces are not parallel to the plan

so the part has a real + large length than that of the normal drawing

since it is not the dimension of the piece but that of the piece being projected


This is the problem and I still can't find how I can solve it to have a correct catation of this body.

You can't dissociate these bodies for MEP? The corners of this rectangular profile must be made before assembly. Otherwise you need to add a new view in your 3D.

To create views based on a surface of your part, look at the attached document.

Ignore the visualization cube for creating views.


in welded construction you can have all your parts independent

you have a list of parts

so it's these parts that you put in plan and you will have set up the cuts so well

then for your embarrassed drawing you do your left face up and iso view



Thanks to A Leblanc and GT22 for taking the time to help me.

I don't see what good it does me to create an additional view?

Regarding the list of welded parts, I don't know how to use it to have independent parts.

On the other hand, I use the relative view of a body which allows me to choose its position, but despite this I can't find the values of the angles that I have recorded in the part file.

I continue to think about this problem. @+

Make a screen of your 3 top-down and left or right view it doesn't matter

at first

like this

This will already allow you to see if your pieces are parallel or not

or record your piece as a step 

and we'll convert me I'm under SW 2012 so can't open your room



Create a new view You will allow you to orient your profile according to its surfaces in your MEP (so front, side, top, etc.). in relation to this part). Because it is oriented at angles to the reference planes in your room.

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To dissociate your bodies and do your MEP, you can use configurations (you keep one body and hide the others) associated with views created and oriented according to the different bodies (crappy solution svt the number of bodies, but it works). Otherwise, you can use the save bodies function, here's what I already posted before:

You can automatically create an assembly from a multibody part, your parts will be dependent on the original one (the one with all the sketches) and can only be modified from it to keep an associativity between them (you will of course have to replace the "save bodies" function below your modifications in the tree).

1/ Right-click in the tree of your room --> show hide the objects of the tree --> show the volume bodies

2/ In the tree structure of your room --> right-click on the "folder" volume bodies and select save the bodies

3.1/ Check the boxes corresponding to the  pieces you want to record / rename them and choose  the recording location

Important: Coins cannot have the same name as the original one, and you must uncheck the "absorb ... " and "propagate... "

3.2/ If you want to create an assembly, click on browse and save your files.

This method allows you to save Split parts (something like that I think), the parts will not have sketches and functions  in their trees.


It's very practical to carry out a study with relationships between several rooms, you only have one room to modify if necessary. On the other hand, to make a copy, it is preferable to go through a take-home composition to keep correct links. 

Otherwise the "delete/keep bodies" function used with several configurations works very well too.


Good evening to all of you who took the time to help me.

I solved my problem and it's very simple. When I use the Measure tool on my part file, I'm actually measuring the angle of greatest slope between the 2 reference faces for the measurement.

When I am on the MeP, on each  plane, it is the projection of the angle of the greatest slope that is measured and not this one; That's why I got these differences.

In order to verify my hypothesis, I drew a 3D sketch by taking the values given by the drawing and then extruded the volume. When I measure on this reconstructed part, I find the values of the angles of the greatest slope found previously.

Once again thank you for your participation, @+



Thank you again to all of you for your help