The only problem is that in my "tools >> add-ons" list I don't have the "PDM workgroup" add-in...
I would like to check it so that it starts on its own when solidwork is launched but it is not there!
However, when I launch "solidworks explorer" and then "workgroup pdm" it works very well. I tried to uninstall and reinstall everything and also to restart but still the same problem.
Do you have a way to add the "PDM Workgroup" component manually in the add-in list?
Edit: a priori, you can just uninstall the KB from Windows Update, then repair the SolidWorks installation from the control panel > Programs, and it works.
Regarding the problem of the add-in, can you check by modifying your SOLIDWORKS installation that the add-ins in attachments are checked. (all but especially SOLIDWORKS Workgroup PDM x64 Client Add-in)
If not, check them and go to the end of the installation modification.