SW2015 Excess Slowness

Hello everyone,

I have a huge problem on my PC at work.


-Too slow as soon as I work in the assembly (simply by adding constraints to the assembly trains) don't ask me if I'm working with the complex assembly mode, it's already checked :-).

-The PC crashes daily if I don't record every 3 minutes.


I have the impression that it keeps a whole lot of data in memory and that it saturates quickly or that the temporary memory is much too low....



FYI here is the configuration of my PC

Win7 sp1

HP company, HPZ440 Workstation

Intel Xeon CPU E5-1650 V3 @3.5ghz 3.5ghz


64-bit operating system


What do you think? Do you have any configs to offer me?


Thank you!

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What version of SolidWorks is it? Is this the last SP available? For 2015 and before it's the SP5, for 2016, it's the SP3.

You already have to update if it's not the case!


See this page


Use subassemblies to limit the number of top-level constraints

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Hello, to clean your pc nothing better for me than the CCleaner software!!!  

It doesn't solve everything but it doesn't hurt.

and what's more, it's free on clubic.com

Kind regards


yes @ G

CCleaner the Swiss Army knife and handkerchief of SW ;-)...; -)

See this COM thread


for large, heavy and complex assemblies

Some very good walkthroughs are described 




Yes, definitely @GT22, especially what you have to avoid and which for me is the least natural, you have to avoid hyperstasis between the pieces!! put reference points and axes in the parts and use them to constrain them. It's long but its limit, the unnecessary constraints and therefore its rowing less.

Ps: totally ok with @GT22



Did the slowness problem appear following an update (of SolidWorks, a graphics driver, a Solidworks add-in, etc.) or not?

Otherwise there may be graphics settings to re-enter in the driver.

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After a Ccleaner hit, a little disk cleanup, it's also good for the PC. In the boot menu ==> system tool and then disk cleanup.

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You can also look at the available ram as you launch solidworks and then open your assembly for that Ctrl+Alt+Del and look in performance.

Depending on your assembly, your PC may be limited in Ram


Hello everyone!


I have just read all of your comments and thank you for contributing to my request.

So as far as solidworks is concerned, it's the 2015 V5 version according to the IT department.

This morning we tested on the same freshly installed PC, I was the first to test it with solidworks to look for the causes. (CCcleaner we forgot then!)

My assembly is only 5000kb, it's not huge either.

Then I made a composition taken to the desk, I don't work on the network anymore and the same!

I tried to reduce the complex assembly to 100 parts and it's always the same, all the parts are lighter.

SLOWNESS: Slowness is mostly done when I want to delete a part in the assembly, when I manipulate fast constraints (Ctrl drag and drop, automatic constraint which is fine) and when I want to change the length of a part configured as a part family.


The problem of slowness appeared when we changed the PCs with solidworks, before we were on 2012 and no problem at this level. (the PCs are brand new, they are 1 or two months old)


the relevant remark of the computer scientist:Solidworks uses only 500mb of ram and 10% of the CPU when I have my problem of slowness, wouldn't it be limited for a possible installation on a basic PC (not powerful)I have the possibility to give more resources to solidworks with 8GB of RAM eh!

What do you think?


Are the settings on the "performance" side and not on the quality side, in that kind?

Is anti-aliasing disabled in both Solidworks and graphics driver settings?

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Hi @Azrod,

Yes I tested with the image quality at least and being curious I put it to the max too, the performance doesn't change a bit.

By the way I also tested with SW Rx to make SW work in safe mode in OpenGL Emulator mode, so it doesn't come from the graphics card...

Basically, I have a Porsche with the accelerator cable relaxed! and I can't find the cable tensioner ...


SLOWNESS: Slowness is mostly done when I want to delete a part in the assembly, when I manipulate fast constraints (Ctrl drag and drop, automatic constraint which is fine) and when I want to change the length of a part configured as a part family.

you write the slowness is done especially when I want to delete a piece

if this part is part of a chain of constraints

It is clear that the log will try to solve so calculate a walkthrough that finds or not

so in this case in my opinion eat a lot of ram 

See this tutorial among others


See also this link Assembly technique Understanding the degrees of mobility




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Hello, you have updated the computers but have you saved your files in SLD 2015? because the files would be reduced. After I know that having a racing machine is unfortunately not everything, because the software is not programmed to take everything it would need... Alas...  


Good luck to you


A small question that does not seem to have been addressed... What graphics card do you have? You can have ram, space etc etc. But if the graphics card doesn't follow, solidworks won't like it


To complete the answer of @coin are the graphics drivers up to date according to SolidWorks recommendations?

See here: http://www.solidworks.fr/sw/support/videocardtesting.html


Is RealView turned off?

See here: http://help.solidworks.com/2013/french/SolidWorks/sldworks/t_turning_on_realview_graphics.htm

And it may be interesting to do a performance test:

Start Menu> SolidWorks 2015 > SolidWorks Performance Test

And we can compare with filters with equivalent machines here:


See also here:



Hello everyone,


I took some time to see the video that was proposed and unfortunately all the settings it offers don't change anything.

I took the trouble to test it in safe mode at the graphics card level, it's not the drivers of the case.

If necessary, it is only material and would have no choice.

@G. Indeed, it's not that my PC has resources that solidworks will use it correctly.

I thank all the people who tried to find a solution to my problem, if there was no problem of confidentiality on my study, I would have sent a takeaway composition :-(

Have a great day.


@Clementine, you can close the topic ;-)

In fact I would like not to close because yesterday after a long discussion with the IT department, I learned that for financial reasons not all the PCs in the office were entitled to a certainly vital option.

Solidworks suggested installing SSD hard drives that we don't have today.

We should have it replaced on my PC to see if it works better but nothing sure.

So I'm keeping this topic open to give an answer after the change.


Thank you

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Hello everyone, I have the same problem and I've been looking for a while. 

I'm on Macbook pro 2018 13''  with a windows partition (bootcamp). 

Basically solidworks was extremely slow, I managed to solve this problem by optimizing it in the settings. However, when I want to add a part or a constraint, it lags directly and the solidworks window "adjusts" (I don't really know how to explain it). I finally tried with solidworks RX to launch one of the safe modes. And it's the one: "launch ignoring the settings under tools / options" that helped me! no more problems even in the assemblies !! So I tried to take exactly all these parameters for my solidworks but even with that I can't get the same result (it's even worse than before). 

To conclude, I don't know what this safe mode does exactly besides the basic parameters but if someone knows how to transpose ALL the parameters of this safe mode to the "basic" solidworks it would be a huge service to me! Thank you in advance and I hope to have enlightened some of you! 


Hello Damien

It is better to create your own request because the 2016 topic digging is strongly discouraged. This is so that the subjects are readable by everyone over time.

Once your new topic is created, simply edit it and delete the text with the reason.

Kind regards