SW2018/Functions/Area Repeat/Stability Problem

Good evening

I use the repetition of predefined cuts. By setting and validating the number of repetitions, everything works;

However, the function is mistaken; The variables in the "Presentation of the repetition" block have changed when we return to the function.

Is it a bug or did I forget something? Attached images

Thank you for your possible help.





Personally I have exactly the same problem. When I try to make either a grating or a perforated sheet metal railing, the phenomenon also occurs. I validate the function, then I do another function (any function) and there the repetition gets wrong and when the comes back on it, the parameters have changed.

Never found the cause, I thought it was because of the number of occurrences, because it generated a lot of material removals, but in your case, the number is not high.

So it doesn't help you, but you're not alone :-)




Hello Didier

Can you post your part, I'll look because I have the 2018 version?

And may the force be with me ;-) is not Obiwan

Waiting for what I see:

1°) it's that apparently your area intended for repetition is smaller than the lattice structure. Normally, everything should be iclus in the area and not partially straddling in my opinion. You need to make a second sketch for your guide line of your repetition or in the same sketch that defines your surface (but put your guide line as a "construction line" it should work)

2°) you don't say delete the occurrences not to be repeated (cf occurrence to omit).

3°) we should see the incidence of the following functions, in this case [Body move, copy]  and then then [combine]

To Plutarch


Thank you both for your feedback.

In this case, it is necessary to manage the occurrences to be omitted.

I push the tests and come back to the forum if I have any problems.

Yours sincerely
