Diameter symbol on the side


I have just noticed that on the plane I am working on, all the diameter dimensions appear without the symbol Ø!!

My dimensions come from 3D and they were created by clicking on an axis of revolution. (see attached image)

Has anyone ever encountered the problem?

pr info,  I'm under SLDWorks 2015 SP 4



By selecting a rating and looking in the property manager, there is the <MDO-DIAM> in front?

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there should be the following code in front of your rating <MOD-DIAM> in the "Quote Text" area in the "Property Manager" when you select your rating.

Otherwise forced, you type "Alt+157".

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It can also be that the cut used in the view, does not actually pass through the axis of the part.



As g.leluyer says , it may be that when you created your cross-sectional view, you didn't select the center of axis of your part. Test by making a new cut, and clicking on the center of the axis of your part. Normally, the cut will be constrained and you won't be able to move it.

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As a reminder, the dimensions are from 3D, and the <MDO-DIAM> is not 3D or 2D listed.

The dimensions were created by clicking on the sketch centerline. Normally the symbol appears automatically.


Attached is a snapshot of my sketch.

I know that you can add the symbol manually, but still, on such a basic function, SLDWorks could do it correctly!

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In fact, to have a diameter dimension, you have to set the dimension like this:

First click the edge, then on the axis of revolution and move the mouse to the opposite side where the edge was clicked.

Like this, the symbol Ø appears.

See the help page:



Do you use a revolution function?

The diameter symbol appears in the sketch only if you use a revolution function.

Well seen g.leluyer,

Indeed, the dimensions in question are on a sketch that is not used in any function.

It's a profile on which I base myself to create the whole piece.

Thank you for your info