Symbolization of a paper packaging around a product

Hi all

I have to start manufacturing elements intended to be assembled for a staircase.

This item is made up of step and other and is wrapped with craft paper and  hooped with two nylon straps.

On the other hand, I don't know how to symbolize this packaging for production.

Product below

could help me

thank you in advance



A surface sketch?



If I understood the question correctly, I would make a volume corresponding to all the parts + 1mm all around, a shell to make it empty, this volume put in transparent white + 2 extrusions to symbolize the straps. All accompanied by a commentary.


MRC for your answer Benoit


That's what I thought I'd do at the beginning, but I was more focused on symbolic representation than actually drawing a package.


So I'm going to make your proposal

Hello Franck,

I don't know inventor, but on SolidWorks, it's easier to draw it in "hard" than to do schematics (especially since the "package" remains simple). Otherwise, on SW, you can play with the display style.



For your information, here is the final result


Bravo @ Franck and @ Benoit for the idea

only the arrow is missing for it to stay horizontal ;-)

Afficher l'image d'origine

and the logo of your company

nice @+