Symmetry of a Plane by a Plane [SW]

Hi all 


I would like to create a plane that is symmetrical to a created plane (Plan 1), compared to a basic plane (Plan XY). 

The symmetry function does not work.

The Layer Creation tool does not allow mirroring directly. 


Do you have an idea? 


Thank you!




When selecting the plane you want to mirror, the symmetry function does not activate?



No, and that is the problem. I have the impression that the symmetry function only takes functions or bodies, and not geometric elements. 


Make a surface instead of a plane? It works like a plane and at least the symmetry function will work!

Hi @ Bastien

Why you want to symmetrize a plan

a sketch, a part, an assembly, a function.................... OK


But a plan is shifted in height, angle, etc... or put it where you want via a line and another ref




Create a hidden sketch in the foreground and it should work

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Is your first plan constrained by a distance from plan XY?


If so, follow these steps:

_Double click on the plan1 function > the dimension appears

_Clic Right on the dimension of plan 1 "Link values", give it a name like "Dist Plan" then click on "OK"

_Création a second plane in the other direction and then validate with any dimension

_Double click on the plan2 function > the dimension appears

_Clic Right on the dimension of plan 2 "Link values", select the value "Dist Plan" in the list and click on "OK"

Simply a construction line with a midpoint on the symmetry plane, a fixed point on the plane to be symmetrical, then we create the new plane on the other point of the line!


Well, so I focused on the function to be symmetrical and not the plan. But I know that in some software you can do this kind of symmetry of geometric objects, apparently it's more complicated on SW.

Thank you all in any case!

Yes I confirm that on Creo it's possible

Yes, make a symmetry of the reference of the plane to be made symmetrical, like a point with which you create your plan.

Kind regards