Impossible symmetry


I have a smoothed piece that I can't symmetrical as much by function as by body, I don't understand.

I attach the document to you under SW2013.

Thank you 



Hello diiity,

Well I can do it with my 2020 SP4 version.

I transfer you the edit file to STEP (see the ZIP), plus image capture.



Don't forget to  uncheck "merge the volumetric parts", it should do it with the 2013.





The problem comes from the fact that the side face of your canopy is not flat, despite the vertical segments of the different sketches.
Impact: SolidWorks fails to merge the symmetrical shape with the base shape
There are two ways to get around the problem:
- make a body symmetry without merging it with the original shape. You'll have two disjointed bodies in the room.
- more rigorous: create guide curves in one or two 2D sketches to force the side face to be flat in the smoothing function. Symmetry then works, with the basic function or with the body, fused or not.


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Hello my dear @diiity 

It works well as long as you

The problem comes from your sketch N° 15 in which the vertical line is not constrained along the construction line (i.e. it is not joined with the plane, hence the message that you can't blablabla!

Luckily you only have the mistake on the first sketch ;-)   ;-) ;-)

Kind regards

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Great thanks, I corrected by rendering // with sketch 14.

Otherwise, I had succeeded by scheming,  I opened the part in an assembly and made a symmetrical component and then I saved it as a part.

Thank you all