


Working a lot from home, I would have liked to know if, when I got to work, there was a way to synchronize the Solidworks plan folder on my laptop with the one on my workstation.


Thanks in advance;)


Edit: I don't have EPDM I'm in standard version 2014

My CAD place can do that I think

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You can use Windows sync.




I know that there is a synchronization function on Windows.

Maybe if you allow the sharing of your folder on the laptop and you synchronize this folder with the one on your landline, the folder on the landline will update when the laptop is connected to the same network as the landline. (I don't know if I'm clear:( )

I've never used this feature, I just know it exists.

You may have to set the folder of your laptop as a network drive for it to work.


Thanks for your answers, I'll try Via Windows.


Question + specific: Does someone synchronize their dosiers and could give me their way of doing things?


I'll get back to you after the trial;)

The synchronization with windows only works if you use the same identifier on the 2 workstations, if this is the case it should work.


Another solution is to work on an external hard drive.


No synchronization or other problems.

Always up-to-date files, even if you change your HP laptop. ;)




I'm logged in to a domain.


Same identifiers on the 2 posts.


On the other hand, the only thing I found in windows is the sync center.


I attach the image, but I don't really know how to use it.....


If you put your files in the "offline file" folder, what does it do?

A little test is necessary to see if your file appears on the 2 workstations

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In fact, to put it simply,


When I draw in the office, I would like the shots to synchronize so that they have the same ones on my laptop, and vice versa! When I get to the office, I plug in my laptop, and it syncs with the desktop folder.


If I understood correctly, offline files only work in one direction, right?


I just found a little guide.



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I use a simple Dropbox folder

You just need to be connected for the sync


I had thought about Dropbox too but does it work for something other than photos and videos?

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Doc if I summarize, I have to go to my desktop computer, put the plan folder that is on the server offline, then still on my desktop computer, go get the plan folder on my laptop and take it offline too?


I don't have to do anything on my cell phone so?


And the sync will take up space on my hard disk? If so, as much as the size of the initial file?

I had also thought about drop box, but given the slowness of our internet connection, and the size of the file, it will take 1 year^^


Already there, it's super long!!! =)

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Sorry Bart but I've never tested the sync by this folder so the best would be to test by putting a file in it and trying to open it with another workstation

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There I tried with the complete file...


The folder is 8GB, I'm going to let it run this lunchtime, because if I open a plan, it doesn't want to synchronize it because it's read-only...


So as soon as it's over, I run the test, and I'll keep you posted!


I feel it!!


Thank you!



something to see too, is with EPDM in multisites

One site = the house

the other = office

The advantage is to have a single file and therefore always the last one, you just have to archive it on one site and retrieve it on the other ,

of course you have to have EPDM!!


Kind regards

I don't have EPDM


So now, I'm on my desktop I synchronized the folder that is on the server, by taking it offline.


Now what should I do?


I have added a network location that contains the folder of my plans of the laptop (home)


How do I synchronize the 2?


Knowing that if I click on the network location created, I can't select "available offline"

A beta question, how many cartoonists have used the server plan folder and modified it?


If t, the easiest thing to do is to work on the laptop disc and synchronize the server on the laptop.

If others modify the server, the synchronization can overwrite their work that they did during your absence (a matter of date because the most recent version overwrites the old one without taking into account whether the file has been modified in the meantime.


The idea of the external disc is the most practical in this case as long as the letters assigned are the same on the laptop and the fixed one (a matter of link in the assemblies). 


When I work on different PCs (home, French office, foreign office,) in all PCs my disk has the same letter (ex J: ) and I reserve this letter on all PCs and the 3 networks.


then via synchronization on a NAS for backup (same type of NAS at the 3 zone) this allows the colleague to consult.

Now I'm the only one who uses solidworks so no one changes my plans without me knowing.


In the solidworks property, is multi-workstation management checked?