Tabelle Thread Representation

Hello everyone,

I would like to know if it is possible to create a threading table (internal standard).
Working in watchmaking, small threads or specials are commonly used and they do not exist in the SW choice list.

I looked if I could find a standard file like xls or txt or whatever, but couldn't find it.

Thank you in advance.


Hello, create an iso screw, these configurations will be linked to the size and thread create.

Thank you for the answer.

For the screws, it's already done.

But for threads in bridges, plates, tubes, ..., I would like to have the choice in a list (see photo) that I would have predefined before and thus avoid having to fill in the size, the pitch and the associated text each time.


This does not (unfortunately) go through XL. It's a SW tool: search for standards editor, or something like that.

Basically, you're creating your own standard. I never really got into the thing given the small number of "outstanding" holes I have to do

In Windows 7, you have to go to: start menu / all programs / Solidworks / Solidworks tools / Toolbox settings.


Or search for Toolbox A fos launch You have to go to Wizard for drilling Select the standard to modify, go to Threaded holes , Threaded holes click on the + at the top of the column and add the desired thread.


It's like Sbadenis says!

In pictures!


I'm on win 7 and SW 2016 and I can't find this directory :-(.

@sbadenis & Alain. ERP

I followed what you said. I added 2 threads (S0.80 and S1.00 to start).
But when I launch my drilling wizard, it gives me an error (see attached file).

Where is the error?



Is the SP3 from SOlidWorks great?

It was released less than 2 months ago and fixes many bugs!

To be installed absolutely as soon as possible!

I've been doing well in SP3 for a long time.

Thread data must also be completed.
And keep the same name so that sw associates them.


edit: so compared to your image, it's the earth icon just below: "thread data", which needs to be filled in.

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As opie says, you have to keep the same type of writing as in solidworks. To understand this, here is a simplistic document in English that explains all this much better than I do.

Even if the document is in English, it is very easy to understand the principle.



Cool, that's exactly it.

Thank you very much
