Axemble Vis Family Table


Some time ago I downloaded the H ISO 4017 GRADE A SCREW from Axemble.

I now get an error message when I try to access the family table: "Insufficient memory to execute the operation" and then "The part family was created in Excel 2007 and cannot be opened in Excel 2010".

Is there a solution?

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Hello, have you changed the base file? If not, you have to download it again.

See this link

@+ ;-)

A solution: take your table under execl 2007, copy it and 

paste it on an Excel 2010 table and save this new version

if there is no conflict with the names (see previous link)

it should work

@+ ;-)


No, I haven't changed the base file. (Or a colleague did...)

Is there any other way to access the excel files of the family tables other than through Solidworks?

"Insufficient memory to execute the operation"

Have you restarted your machine?

Yes I restarted and I have the same problem...

No other way. A restart is advisable, otherwise try to open it with a workstation that has excel 2007...

It would bother me to have to redownload the piece. I had fleshed out the excel file a bit.

And after rebooting, only opening SolidWorks and this file, gives the same result?
What is the last modified Windows fan date?
You can see by downloading the file if it is indeed the configuration of the workstation that is the problem.

The problem is that I can only access this file by going through the ConfigurationManager tab. So I don't have any information on it

Opening the family tables of the other pieces I downloaded from the site works

I'm talking about the part file and not the excel file. You can try to insert the excel table in a drawing, to try to save it as a real excel file.

I can't fit the painting into a drawing. I believed in it...

A priori you should contact SolidWorks if you are under maintenance because the part must be corrupted. See this link:

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In this case, I will redownload the piece.

Thank you all for your help.