Mechanical welding table


For a few too long hours now, I have been trying in vain to adjust a table of mechanically welded elements. Maybe it's without a solution  but maybe I'm doing it wrong, which I hope.

I can't easily get the length per element to be displayed in the table associated with my construction. The proposed property "Total lenght" is the same for all and corresponds to the total cumulative length on all the elements of the same profile, which is of no interest at this level. So I go through a basic Excel type calculation (just multiply the quantity column by the length column for each element) but unworthy of a software of this price and especially unthinkable in the case of many elements. I also tried using a classic nomenclature but it's not conclusive.

I attach a small pictorial explanation

Thank you all for your help and enlightenment.

Pierre Mihailovic


Hello Pierre 

To my knowledge this is not possible because solidworks tables are structured by article not by description (type of profile), but there are debiting and optimization tools that will probably be useful to you,

Concerning the procedure of the equations, I wonder why not go directly through the columns not the boxes.? It's lighter. 

That said, I suggest creating another table [description; total length] and hiding the identical profiles, it will save you from summing the different profile lengths;) 



Hello and thank you Lynk,

I'm not going through columns just by the fact that the column tool is grayed out and therefore inactive. I can only assign calculations cell by cell. Also , the incremental copy that Excel offers to extend a calculation to adjacent cells doesn't work here.

Similarly, the developers of SolidWorks do not seem to have considered it useful to integrate the SOMPROD function, even though it is so practical and which would be very interesting here.

Another thing among the system properties proposed for mechanically welded elements are moments of inertia, cost calculation times, linear block tolerances..... all things are certainly very useful but no more than the size field that is required when they are created. To have this parameter, it must be (re)created manually without any link being established with the effective ownership. Again, I didn't understand anything?

That being said, I retain the idea of a second painting but it remains a last resort.

Thank you and have a good Sunday


Pierre Mihailovic

Pierre, to take advantage of the columns at this level you will have to select the column header not the cell, unless something else prevents editing (bug!?).  

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Hello again and thank you for this very useful remark which clarifies my concern.

Indeed what you show is what I was aiming for, but unfortunately a thousand times the editing of the properties of the column, as well as that of any formulas, is inactive. See the attached screenshot. So I can't multiply the Quantity column by the Length column

So I wasn't completely wrong in my approach, so there is probably a sneaky mind what some call a bug. Stabilizing the SolidWorks/Excel relationship remains an interesting avenue for future updates.....


Thank you and good afternoon



Small precision, my table is a nomenclature of mechanical welding parts. In a basic nomenclature it works..... But then what is the point of such a restricted nomenclature?????????????????

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