Table in drawing


After inserting an excel table of 3 columns and 12 rows in my drawing, I want to modify it and add 2 columns and 2 rows. I double click on the table that opens with the Excel software and I modify it by inserting and adding lines and columns. So far so good, my table appears modified on the excel page. When I close excel to return to my drawing (under autocad 2013) alone,  the modified  values appear modified but impossible to see the new columns and new additional rows appear... (the table remains in the previous format...) What manipulation should be done to make the added columns and lines appear ?

Thank you in advance.



What if you remove it from the plan and then reinsert it? Does it affect your work?

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I just tried it with Autocad 2014, and the update of the additional columns and rows is done by double-clicking on the Autocad excel table.

I tried under 2010 LT and it works like a-hincelin



Did you manage to insert your table well, if not, could you attach the file in 2010 max version so that I can see if your file does the same thing on my pc.



I tested with AutoCAD 2014 and I noticed the same behavior!


In fact, I have the impression that AutoCAD sizes the table using the last filled cell of the table at the time of creation and when reopening the table (CTRL+END key in Excel).


The solution is therefore to reopen the Excel table from AutoCAD after closing it so that the last cell used is recalculated taking into account the latest changes.


It's not great but it works...


Happy New Year to all!




Have you tried to enlarge the spreadsheet by pulling on the grips?

see this link procedure to make tables on XL


@+ ;-)