I am looking for NPT thread profile download to integrate with Solidworks 2022 for the "Insert/Annotation/Thread Representation" function... ".
In my Ansi Inch menu I only have the representation "Threads for straight pipes" or "Mechanical threads", so I would like to add "Threads for tapered pipes"
Thank you for your answers,
The "Thread Representation" function uses the settings of the drilling wizard and thus those of the Active Standards of the "Toolbox"....
Check that your Toolbox/Drilling Wizard Standard.... In the "Ansi inch" standard, the "conical thread holes" are activated (checked).

note: I am attaching my Excel table if you wish to have the threads: 4"; 5" and 6" .... see "Sizes" tab

Note 2: I have never managed to re-import this kind of Excel file into my toolbox, if this is also your case too...., you will have to fill in the new values by hand,
In this case I advise you to fill in the last cell ("Name to Associate") with a symbol and then delete it directly in the table above.
Also be careful to differentiate between periods and commas... (I think that's what's preventing me from importing xls->toolbox.
Kind regards
Thank you for this feedback, it was a good avenue to explore, unfortunately the standard for drilling is well checked and indeed with the drilling wizard I can create tapped holes for conical pipe. But in the thread representation function leaves me no choice other than metric or thread for straight pipe. On your side, does it work by passing for this annotation?
Yes, at my place NPT nets are available (Solidworks 2020).

Try by duplicating the "ANSI inch" standard, and also check the "Thread Data" tab in the Toolbox.
-> check the "Thread Data" tab of your "Toolbox" standard. They are the ones who will (normally) appear in the representation of threads...

I'm working on a copy of all the Toollbox files (Assistant_de_perçages), so that I don't lose my custom Standards with each Solidworks Update...
Also check the location set in the Solidworks settings... (Option/Options/System/Drilling Wizard)
These changes are dynamic (without having to restart solidworks). If I uncheck a Toolbox standard, the names available on the nets are directly modified (after the toolbox has been saved, of course).
Kind regards.
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I withdraw what I said.
At home the "Conical" representations are not available either (neither for NPTs, nor GAS, nor ISO nor anything else... nada)
All that remains is to play with the Texts to be displayed to identify the conical type in the "Size" columns of the toolbox.
Kind regards.
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