New to using the MyCadTools tools and doing a lot of DXF/DWG output for laser cutting, I use the SheetMetalManufacturing tools regularly.
The latency time is very long for multibodies, more than 24 hours for a room with 150 bodies. Do you have any solutions to optimize the speed of execution?
Can you tell me the export configuration of the views you use in SheetMetalManufacturing.
Unfortunately, if you choose to make a body view in the same file, the time increases each time a view is added automatically in SOLIDWORKS. But this is a problem with the operation of SOLIDWORKS. If you do this manually in SOLIDWORKS, add X views to the same file, the processing will take longer and longer with each new view.
Maybe try grouping the views differently with other export options:
Thank you for the info of the BatchConverter, unfortunately it doesn't put the quantity, the thickness etc so not interesting for us, moreover for the Sheet Metal I will try to separate by thickness. Here are our parameters:
I just opened the attachment For my part I don't put so many bodies in a single file, it's not intended for, it may crash You have to make an assembly with parts in it, it will lighten the plans
As soon as you have to make a modification, you have to rework the whole part, which is too complex I limit myself to a few welded parts
believe me you'll save your time by reassembling it for the future