Hiring test


I am looking for a test to hire a future draftsman. So not necessarily on the psychological evaluation but on the technical notions to have in any form whatsoever.

Thank you

To see according to your needs


know what you're already looking for............


  1. Your trade 
  2. Knowledge of the software
  3. mastery of simulation or other..............


As they say, it is at the foot of the wall that we see the mason


@+ ;-)




Do you want examples of rooms to design to assess the level of applicants?

Exactly, it depends on the needs and the trade.


A mechanical draughtsman is not necessarily an electrical draughtsman and aims versa.

We don't ask them for the same thing or the same software.


I think a good way is to ask for a realization related to society and see how the person is doing.


After that, there are still the skills according to the job, once again, an elec cartoonist will be set up ... in elec and a mecha cartoonist, in mecha!


Good luck with the interviews:)




I advise you to test their knowledge first with basic questions... You will certainly be surprised by some of the answers. Some proposals:


1 - Is an H7g6 fit tight?

2 - I want to mount a pin in force in a cylinder, what adjustment do you offer me?

3 - Show them an overrated drawing and ask what they think of it.

4 - Have them do a side chain or a side transfer.



Kind regards






To add a little grist to the mill


I agree with GT22 when he says that it is the trade.


For my part, I am a carpenter by training and I learned the trade of draughtsman on the job.


I work in an industrial carpentry shop that manufactures stairs and I am in charge of drawing and designing them.


I have done Inventor training and am able to control inventor from excel sheets with some excel sheets up to 1200 calculation variables.


But for all that, I don't know much about the mecha or electricity.


For the questions of samuel.chavanne for example I would be unable to answer them.


And I think I'm at a very good level in what I do. 


Kind regards




Indeed, it is the mechanical profession in an automotive sector. Need to know materials, different processes (foundry, plastic injection, machined part, etc.), dimensioning, dimension chains, in order to design products (kinematics with gears, spring, gasket etcc) and tools.

I don't know Catia, but I could send you 3D models if you want, I'm in the same situation as you in the field of mechanics, and industrial piping.






I guess you already have cartoonists. A good way to prepare for this is to ask yourself what the positive points are and what you would miss in these profiles. You can even discuss it directly with people who have a similar profile to what you are looking for. If they don't show up in the questions you planned, you may have gone too far. It's unfortunate but when you're looking for a new profile, you often tend to make a list a little too much to Santa Claus and to find yourself systematically disappointed. It is therefore necessary to force oneself to distinguish between what is important and what is a bonus.


One last remark, there is no need to run long CAD tests. You can see very quickly if people have the basis or not. After that, you just have to get used to the habits of society (as @Franck51 rightly points out)

For the record, I have already had the opportunity to pass it on to a few candidates. We had chosen with a colleague from the design office to have a simple room and its plan redone and had estimated the time needed at 30 minutes. In the end, out of 5 candidates, none finished in the allotted time, even though I had indicated that I was not interested in the details. When in doubt, I did the exercise again myself... in 20 minutes. In the end, the person we selected turned out to be a very good choice despite this underperformance. He just lacked a little method and had wanted to do too well.


Good luck!

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for fun @ Chamade


post  your test it could be a game (challenge, and allows you to see if the profession has + or - its importance)


@+ ;-)


Thank you for your answers, unfortunately I was looking for tests already ready to use them in order to save myself work. When time permits, I think I will look into it in detail. the easiest way is to pick from the GDI which can be the first question. What is the GDI?

Hi @gt22,


You're going to be disappointed because there's really nothing complicated. I don't have the exact model anymore because I've changed the box since then but I'm attaching 2 pictures of how it looked.

It is a small assembly whose main part is a kind of mechanically welded plate. We had provided the original plan and asked to reproduce it. We were on pro/e WF4.


oblongs and nuts were optional. the design method as well (some have approached it as a machined part...)



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see this link http://www.aide-emploi.net/habi.htm


Now  only you know your needs

Ask yourself the right questions


how many of you work in CAD, with what log


It's collective or individual work


Is it a cartoonist or a mechanic that you are looking for?


 Indeed, it is the

  1. mechanical trade in an automotive sector.
  2. Need to Know
  3. materials,
  4. different processes (foundry,
  5. plastic injection,
  6. machined part,
  7. etc.), quotation, dimension chains, in order to design products
  8. (kinematics with gears,
  9. spring
  10. gasket etcc) and
  11. tools.


PS: an area specialist is not a good mechanic in principle

the kinematics  with spring gears OK but your gasket does it do in there


@+ ;-)



   To test a draftsman, there are several parameters to take into account to guide us in our choice:



  - The fields of application. In this or that field, and the possible adaptation to your profession.
(for example, a designer working in surface will not be suitable for pure production or vice versa. etc.)


  - Versatility and the desire to go further are a plus not to be neglected.
(Don't rely only on diplomas, a self-taught person can very well surprise you. And a profile that is in tune with the times and adapts quickly can energize the company.)


  - The software used. In general, a designer has a "paper" training base called "theoretical", and practical training on a standard software that must correspond to the one used at your home. Its curriculum can be completed by manual workshop training to help in design studies.


Whether you are licensed by Autodesk, Solidworks or others, tests are available in the form of diplomas and certifications, available on your customer support.


Or There are always tutorials on the web that can be displayed in the form of Powerpoint, for example, to question the individual about his or her abilities in pure drawing.


I hope I have been clear in my explanations.


Kind regards.