Well after the Beaujolais Nouveau here comes the Lynkoa Nouveau

Well the new look and especially the visiativ Support in the 5 main categories of interest

There is still a small bug, the text is superimposed  ;-)

Nova is unleashed, he hits the incrust if I dare say so.  He is still a little lobotomized in these answers but hey, he's like a dog to whom you throw the ball, he comes back all the time ;-)

Kind regards




A nice site to be fine-tuned:)

When I am on a question, if I click on forum to go back to the whole list, I am faced with a 404 error. By going back to the site's reception desk, the problem is solved.


Same remarks as @Zozo_mp ...  And Nova who is unleashed is very weak, I feel that he will quickly inflate me to come back with each refresh or page change...

Kind regards


Good evening @Rpicard 

Not easy to find a 404 error apparently



For Nova, what is annoying is the size of the window to display emptiness...

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