Slide in circular propeller trajectory

Hello, I would like to make a manure slide for a friend with a radius 800mm and height 100mm and rotation 90° (1/4 of a circle)  keeping the normal sketch to the trajectory. I have a 2D sketch with horizontals and a ditch at an angle of 20°. Here is the sketch:esquisse1

My problem as you can see after the scan, the horizontal lines of my initial sketch are no longer horizontal.esquisse voulue et résultat

Do you have an idea to solve this? I've already tried the techniques present in the tutorial, What is important for the final result is that:

  • the horizontals remain horizontal so that the plane is normal to the trajectory,
  • the rotation must be 90° in view of the top,
  • The height between the sketch plane and the 90° plane is 100mm.

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Hi @schrom007

Here is your play if I understood correctly?

attached under SW 2012

if the odds are not good, it's up to you to change

Have a nice day

@+ ;-)

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Thank you Gt22. I see that you started from a different plan than me but it doesn't bother me.

However, you have the same problem as me, you can't keep the horizontality of your straight lines horizontal after the 90° rotation and the descent is 25 mm high (in your case). I put my parameters (height of 100mm) and it doesn't change anything :-(.

I found something by watching the video

The height is 200mm but the horizontality of the horizontal lines are maintained in each plane; I'm putting my file in step to share with you. I try changing the height to 100mm but it doesn't work anymore. If anyone has an explanation, it might help us and we could leave a tutorial. ^^

Yours truly.


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see this new file for me you have to go through surface 

with a smoothed surface on X sketch ditto my snail 

at least that's the walkthrough I found to make it go smoothly

see attached image and file


for example

@+ ;-)

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I don't really see your pb, by taking your initial file, and changing the option in your scan function: keep the normal constant, you get what you ask, right?
