Swept bent sheet metal

Is anyone able to explain to me!

on this tutorial


from 14 minutes 

it's the construction of a tube via swept folded sheet metal + (unfolded of the tube?)

I tried and I wasn't very good at it

at home it doesn't work why that's the question

already via the trajectory I find myself with a tube that ends up in a bend????

I'm good in SW 2012

Attached is my file

not having been able to follow the procedures exactly, maybe that's it, but I couldn't do otherwise

@+ ;-(


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I'll look at it right away;)

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Your file works in 2014, the unfolded is calculated but I seem to remember that the method of calculating the development of a sheet metal of this type evolved on the 2014, so maybe that's why it doesn't work in 2012.




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here is my unfolded

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no that's not it

in theory it's a tube with a folded edge so not what you present

my problem is the tutorial is for 2012 I have 2012

and when I make the piece I end up with this piece that ends up with a bend but that's not what the tutorial says look at the tutorial

I should have a straight tube unfold with its edge folded down

@+ ;-)

There is a mistake in your sketch


The starting point of the circle must ^be the same as your profile!!!

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so you get that by repairing your sketch

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Bart I'm not sure what you're saying sorry

Attempts to go further

@+ ;-)

Ha yes sorry I answered way too quickly...


I look in more detail



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In fact, to make your sheet metal swept, your two profiles must touch.


And second point, the scan is only done in one direction. And since his profile was after the starting point, for Solidworks he had to go beyond the starting point to finish the function of rebuilding or other weird bug.


I just modified this sketch and got the same result as on the video

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@ bart little you show me the sketch of the circle basically

@+ ;-)

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+1 for @Bart by putting the same origin everything is OK.





Your profile should start in the red square! (see photo)

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@ bart you can unfold ?

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There he is!!!


Length 623.12

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I don't understand what a slab ;-(

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Remove your function and do it again, you'll see that Sw will recalculate everything. ;)

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if I haven't done it 30 times it's at least 40 times it's starting to .......... Run to Politely


@+ ;-(

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With me too, if I just modify the sketch, the function makes a bend like with you.


By cutter, if I delete the complete function and restart it with the same sketches.


There no worries.

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I attach the details of the function

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