
hello I'm looking to  have the unfold function of my piece if attached my I don't know why she doesn't want it



The problem is with the sketch of your Bent1 Base Sheet feature. Since the sketch consists of a single closed outline, SolidWorks considers it to be the cutting of a flat sheet of metal in the shape of the sketch, and therefore in your case a thickness of 40 mm.
To convince yourself of this, try to modify the shape of your sketch, as in the image below (thickness reduced to 2 mm)...

The sheet metal is flat, so no changes occur if you ask to unfold it.

On the other hand, if the sketch is open, limited in this case to a single arc, SolidWorks considers that this is the section of the sheet metal, which will be created by extrusion. The thickness is defined in the sheet metal parameters, here 2 mm, the 50 mm corresponds to the extrusion length.

Your cuts can be made by extrusion on the unfolded sheet, which will then be folded.
And the final function unfolded state is functional.

Kind regards.
