Sheet metal on 3D sketch with double curve


Not being able to get a part flattened or convert it into sheet metal, I ask the community for help.

It is a sheet metal curved in both directions (it follows the shape of a barrel).

I have attached the file that prevents me from sleeping.


Thanks in advance


Hello Amaury,

I see two possibilities to flatten this piece:
- the first by starting from a surface definition of the part and using the "Flatten" function (Inserting > Surface > Flattening).
The surface is then thickened to generate volume.
- The second by using sheet metal functions. This solution requires opening the ring.
Note that the surface has a double curvature and is not developable.

Kind regards


I would have liked to have a look but future version, can you join a step? 


Attached is a document that shows you the procedure to follow to achieve this.

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AC Cobra 427 thank you but with this method I don't get the bending in both directions.

Thank you all for these feedbacks I will be able to try it

For Lynk here is the file in STEP


I don't think SW 2020 can handle this but I managed to get around a part but as soon as I activate the removal of material it doesn't work anymore.  Maybe 2021 or 2022 manages it???

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Have you tried to go through a transition fold? 

The advantage is that it gives you the bending lines crunching 

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@Lynk his piece is bent in both directions...  Ferrule diameter 868 and R7250 lengthwise.

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I then think that the step joints are inappropriate! 

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There are the two curves on the step, it's that in a way it's very light

Ok, I didn't notice :) 

In this case the part is probably obtained by stamping, from a wide flank, but it is still a challenge ;) 


The part was obtained in volume, no sheet metal module used so no unfolding possible.

Even if stamping was the function previously used, unfolding would not be possible in sheet metal work. Only by flattening one side (surface menu).

This kind of elliptical ring is obtained.

The projection on a plane of the part folded in both directions is a circular ring. 



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The conclusion is simple: double bending on the same surface - > stamping therefore impossible to do with Solidworks sheet metal tools


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Sincerely, Pierre
