Sheet metal


My question is : are there any parameters that a workstation user would have touched to no longer be able to make folds below 90° with the folded sheet metal function on edge

See Attachment error message

thank you for your comments



HELLO???? !!!

I don't explain the problem to myself...

This operation is effective simply by clicking on the up or down arrow and then adjusting the angle and length.

It's blizzard, what version of SW do you have? I have the 2020 Sp4 not yet encountered this problem.

Yes I think there are parameters, I think so but at my level in the sheet metal work I'm not sure.

To be seen at the level of Visiativ and MyCAD???

But keep me informed about it.




Just to know it's normal that you're in thumb???

May the force be with you



Maybe the angle is forced, if you double click on the bend function

What are the sheet metal parameters (in particular bend loss)?

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Hello AR

First of all, thank you for your answer

I have the 2019 sp5 version on the other workstations at my work they all have the possibility to make a fold between 0° and 180°

What do you mean by : To see at the level of Visiativ and MyCAD???

Hello stefbeno

We work with the K-factor 

Hello, @mmaheux and hello everyone, 

It is often a problem related to system options that is altered over time, and which influences certain functions, 

You can do a test from Solidworks Rx (see Pj) When the session opens, do the test, 

If the angle passes, you will have to reset your options from the registry and possibly try to reload one of your colleagues to find the file locations etc .... (via the parameter backup help) 


I think the problem is more with the settings in the "Length of the bent sheet" tab. You must select the option on the far left (Outer Virtual Intersection) to be able to lower the angle below 90°.


Hello mmaheux,

Yes, I said that when I went to see them if it persists.

And yes I didn't have that you were in inches, seen by OBIWAN, that's what to check by increasing the value.

Good luck... @+.


The dimensions of the tab labeled "Length of the folded sheet" seem to be the likely source of the issue, in my opinion. To reduce the angle to less than 90 degrees, you will need to select the option that is the farthest to the left (External virtual junction).