Toolbox doesn't work but solidworks downloads it

Dear friends,


I put a video demonstrating my problem, Solidworks 2015 premium downloads it at startup, then I go to see in the toolbox add-in is checked to both options. Then I try to activate it in toolbox and it offers  me a window that I have never seen.


Then I try the FASTENERTS COMMAND which is supposed to generate the screw that corresponds to the hole previously made with the drilling aid utility. Maybe I have the wrong directory  under option in toolbox drilling assistance, that would be why it can't find the database related to toolbox?


See the attached video

I finally solved my problem, all I had to do was indicate the rep. where the toolbox database was located.

Under option and toolbox drilling helper I put c:/solidworks data as the default directory



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I have clicked several times on your answer on the choice  'this answer solved my problem' but I am not sure if this is the procedure to follow.

Do I click below your answer or below mine? I think it's under your answer? No

I would like to do things properly, it remains my best solution to solve my Solidworks problems.

Normally you can put a resolution on your answer. 

Kind regards 

Hello Yannick,


I was wondering if there is a tutorial on the steps when you ask a question about lyncoa, it would help me a lot.

Thank you