

I'm looking for info on the toolbox to be able to manage a 2013 version and a 2014 version on the same workstation

It is stipulated that it is better to export the toolbox outside of C: but how do we do it? a copy and paste or some other manipulation?


Can we add components in this toolbox, like bearings of a specific brand, French screws, etc...

I have in my library a whole bunch of components in various folders and I would like to group everything in this toolbox.


Thank you for any information

I forgot to mention that I had 2011-2012 versions and that it left traces.

In fact, it is during the installation that you have to choose a specific folder in the installation manager.

Thus created a toolbox database and drilling assistance for the second version of SolidWorks.


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you should preferably create your own toolbox

to see the place at 12 minutes of reading



and the fact is that you can only have one and only one ref for the toolbox

For you and others working on SolidWorks in your company


@+ ;-)

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When installing the toolbox you have to choose the desired path only accessible when you choose the "customized" mode of the install, if you put the quick installation, it sets the default paths. (all this is from memory)

During the installation, I did not see a folder to configure for the toolbox. 

I think that the start of my problem is more related to separate individual installations rather than upgrade.

I am alone in my business and I don't use a server. 


I have a hard disk dedicated for the library and the components as well as the MeP and other data of slw.


I'm trying to change this because I get crashes as soon as I use it.

So I have to reinstall everything!


See the topic already developed here


@+ ;-)

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I have already installed two versions of SolidWorks on my workstation individually with two different toolboxes.

During the installation, not an update, we stipulate another toolbox folder. This is by default "SolidWorks Data (2)" if a "SolidWorks Data" folder already exists.

This gives you an independent toolbox for each version. So if you change the properties of one version, they won't be available in the second. But anyway if you "link" the two versions to the same folder, the least recent version will not be able to access it after modification. You will then get a message ""... "future version." as soon as you try to access the drilling support or the toolbox.


Sorry but I can't take a screenshot without running a SolidWorks installation...


Kind regards.


no you don't have to reinstall everything but you have to recreate your toolbox file with the right path 

The problem if you have several versions he may not find his little ones

yes you can add everything you want to do personal files etc..

look at the links above everything is said there

@+ ;-)


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in the SW settings, you can define where your toolbox is located.

To move it, you copy-paste the existing one to the desired right, you rename it (personally I give them the name of the version).

On office machines, we commonly have 2 to 4 versions of SW without any problem.


For bearings and other components, I'll start with a design library (in the pane on the right).


Related question: if we open a tollbox with a given version, does it still be usable by an earlier version?


@ stefbeno

normally it's read-only so no change of property as opposed to the design library

and that's my current problem as I use this library for the 2 versions I no longer have access with previous version