Translation of "sheet" by "sheet" in the properties

Hello everyone,

I would like to see the word "sheet" replaced by "sheet metal" by default in the properties.

But I don't really see where I can do that in SW

Do you have to tinker with a file?

Any idea?


Hi, it's a new 2018, in the options of the document, section welded construction ;-)



yes, well the 2018 wasn't the most common yet... After that, maybe ADMetal to this version. 

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thank you Max59, for your answer

So if something new, too bad for me :-(

I'm in 2017!!

Well that reassures me somewhere, I was looking everywhere and I couldn't find anything... for good reason!


I'm in 2018 SP1 and no particular worries...

It came out 3 months ago now