Engraving line on sheet metal parts


I've had solidworks for 2 days...


I set out to draw a staircase. I would like to be able to project on my stringers the welding tabs for the steps to be able to pass them into engraving lines for laser cutting.

I'm a novice and I can't find a ready-made solution on the net.




Thank you



Can you post screen prints so that we can better understand because there are many possibilities of silt shapes and ways to create the marking according to the stringer.

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I would like to have the marking of the edge (a single edge) of the legs on the stringer (selected)



you just need to create a sketch and convert the edges you need or convert to DXF and yellow the lines that need to be marked.



you just need to create a sketch and convert the edges you need or convert to DXF and yellow the lines that need to be marked.

Could you elaborate? I'm afraid I'm a great novice^^

Create a sketch? on the face of the sheet metal part (i.e. the stringer)?
Convert edges? In what way? What is the manipulation?


Thank you

Good evening

You select the face where you want to do the engraving and you right-click and then you make a new sketch and you select all the edges that you want to transfer to engraving and you have the entities converted and you will have the position marking of your parts.


Starting with this it might be easier...

Kind regards

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To convert the sketch, that's ok. However, it doesn't appear in my dxf?


If you select sheet metal instead of face when exporting to dxf, you can choose the option to expose sketches.

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I'll come back to you today, with the beginning of an answer.

I now understand the problem!

When I sketch on the side of the stringer where I have the legs, nothing appears in the DXF. However, when I make a sketch on the other side of the stringer, no problem, everything appears normally.
Do you have a ready-made solution so that I can be able to trace on the right side of the string?


Attached, a screenshot with my successful strokes. The only way I found to succeed in this (which is not the right way I agree)
It's making a symmetry of all the legs on the other side to be able to sketch my features afterwards



You probably need to change your face in the unfolded function, when you unfold your part you right-click on the unfolded function and you edit the function and you choose the face or you have the sketch as a fixed face and it should be good.

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Great, thank you so much to you AC COBRA.

On the one hand, I managed to get what I wanted, but on the other hand, I also understood the working principle.

Happy New Year to you and thank you again

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Perfect, happy new year to you too.