
Hello, Do you know if it is possible to make a drawing follow a given trajectory? like on Solidworks you put constraints and it can follow a trajectory but is it possible on Draftsight?

Thanks in advance 

Not to my knowledge, at least on the free version.

And on the paid version, do you think this is possible? 

Probably not.

Draftsight is not a parmetric software, there are no possible constraints between entities

All right. Do you know of any other software that would allow you to constrain an object other than Solidworks? 

any parametric software.

SolidEdge (free 2D), Creo, Catia, Topsolid, for the most famous

In fact, I am looking for a software that allows me to draw plans, to be able to dimension them and to be able to insert a trajectory and to be able to make this trajectory follow a scraper of a given size to see if it passes without hitting the walls, which software would seem the most appropriate to do this? 

Thank you for your help! 


In this case, you can go for solidedge 2D drafting.

It's parametric, so your trajectory following should work.

Plus, it's free ;-)

I just installed it and will try to see how it works, I have never used it and have no notion about this software. Thank you for your help in any case it's nice!

But I still wonder if the trajectories and in a way the dynamics are only available on the Solidedge 3D, the one that is paid. I'm going to rearrange all this