Transformation of water into steam before reaching a certain pressure threshold


No matter how much I think about it, I can't solve a problem that seemed simple to me. 

I have a 12 L pressure cooker in which I put 3 L of water

I'm going to boil this water at 100 degrees Celsus and so the pressure will increase in my casserole dish

Finally, when the pressure in the pressure cooker is equal to 1.2 bar (reading by pressure gauge), I open a valve and this steam will pass through a pipe and then exit at a flow rate of 1.4 g/s.

The request was as follows: Can we last 10 minutes once the valve is opened?

I then calculated (product crossed) that I needed 840g of steam to last 10 minutes , neglecting any losses. My 3 L of water is therefore more than enough if it is transformed into steam

My problem is the following: How many liters of water will be transformed into steam or how many grams of water vapor will there be before reaching a pressure of 1.2 bar in my pressure cooker?

Thank you 



It seems to me that on this forum we have the principle of helping, but above all not of doing the work for others.

2°) our site is dedicated to the different CAD software and occasionally to help on a design difficulty around these software.

3°) There are forums specialized in technology to answer this kind of question.

4°) The most important thing is that there are very big holes in your reasoning or in the elements that are a little confused between the request and what you describe as your problem.

In other words! There are four elements that you do not take (and/or quote) at all in your text: so you will not be able to solve your problem without these four elements.

Kind regards




You won't have any steam, you forgot to light the fire...  

Well, OK, I'm going out...  


Hello Yves.T

You can go back in because that's almost it!

It is because of Mr. James Prescott Joule who put the souk in the simple life of people that he  said that to put Newton's apple back in his tree:  the energy required to lift a small apple  (102 g) by one meter, on the surface of the Earth it took one Joule or one N-m, or 1 Watt second, or 0.000 000 278 kWh.


It's not for nothing that I put this message:)

How much energy do you use to heat your body of water? If you use a match, you are more likely to burn yourself than to make steam.

You also do not specify the starting conditions (T°, Pressure,...)


That's right, yes! Is this the subject of the baccalaureate?

Do not forget the time of heating. 

the age of the cook. relationship to nothing.

And  the dimensions of the casserole/material. report to the DAC forum

what can I say... "Good holiday"


First remark:

Pressurized water does not boil at 100° Celsius but at a much lower temperature It is the same principle of the pressure cooker to cook food under pressure without boiling it. To solve this problem, it is necessary to consult the curve of the 3 states for water which gives the equilibrium temperatures between water and steam, at saturation pressure.
The curve is available on the internet.
Good luck.


Small typo, it should read "water under pressure boils at a temperature higher than 100°C."

Sorry I typed too fast.


It depends on how high you are;) at 2000m it is much harder to boil the water :p