Transferring Stresses from a Subassembly to the Main Assembly


I have an assembly like this:

Main Assembly (product):
     Subassembly1 (product)
          - part 1
          - Part 2
          - Constraints for subassembly 1 (These are constraints between the parts of subassembly 1)
          - Part 3
          - Part 4
          - Constraints for sub-assembly 2
          - part 5
          - Part 6
          - Constraints for subassembly 3
Constraints for the main assembly (These are constraints between subassemblies)

To make a DMU Kinematics animation, it's best if all of my bonding parts are directly under the main assembly.

Also, I would like to cut the parts of my different sub-assemblies and their associated constraints and glue them directly under the main assembly. The objective is then to obtain the assembly with the following structure:

Main Assembly (product):
           - part 1
          - Part 2
          - Part 3
          - Part 4
          - part 5
          - Part 6
Constraints for the main assembly

How can I cut and cut the parts of my different subassemblies and their associated constraints and glue them directly under the main assembly?

For the moment, I can cut/glue the parts but not the constraints. In addition, I had even done my constraints with publication, so I hope they can follow.

Thank you for your advice.


Make sure you have selected the following option 



OK. Thank you, I had already made this point. But the constraints did not follow.

Do you have any other ideas?

If copy/paste is not the right way, doesn't it have other ways to do this manipulation (transfer of parts from subassemblies and their associated constraints) to the main assembly?

To do what you want is  Cut / Paste not Copy / Paste.

Normally it works, of course depending on what the constraints refer (in relation to the subset) it's lost since we delete the subsets.

If you have your assembly I can look.

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I didn't manage to follow the constraints. So I redid everything by hand

But in any case, thank you for your advice and see you soon.