Transfer license SW2012

Following a hard drive crack I can no longer transfer the SW 2012 license bought in 2012 to CADWARE Toulouse, a reseller that no longer exists, how to do it please, thank you


I already had this problem; You have to call Dassault to disable it on this disk to make it available again

The acquisition of Cadware having been made by Visiativ, I think he will take over on this point.

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I have a doubt if there is no active maintenance (SW2012 is starting to date a bit :smiley: )

ha dear, you're on a collector's item there!!

It's going to make you a generational leap when you find a newer version :sweat_smile:


Especially the number of files that will jump when changing versions.
We have already done a SW2009 → SW2014 transition, some files did not appreciate the conversion at all (surface which shattered for example)