Transform Surface to Volume - SW

post a step or parasolid we don't all have the same version of SW

can't open your file I'm still under SW 2012 


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Can you post the same one in IGES or other? The one you use to get your sldprt. For those who are in earlier versions of SW.

Edit: agree with GT22!

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Here it is in IGES, this part is only a part of the final piece but it is this part that causes me problems.


here are your problems, the discontinuities are in blue 

you're missing 2 tubes

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It's weird, I don't have the same discontunuities in mine:

And these surfaces disappeared during the transfer to the room, there is no problem in the whole room:

Here are screenshots with repair test

So you have a problem with your modeling


Oh yes, with all the patching and the different types of files used, it's sure that I have modeling problems, I'm trying to identify and repair them !

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Is this view normal?

I have a lot of doubts

You modeled this piece


Yes yes, but in "DIY" mode it was extrusions then "Combine" then transfers in IGES then retakes in part....

That way, would you like it?

Method, because as some say, it's better to teach someone to fish than to bring him fish (gt22? ;-) ), here's how I proceeded:

  • Import diagnostics
  • Try to repair everything (there are then 5 discontinuities)
  • For each remaining discontinuity, right-click "Repair discontinuity", until the last one.
  • I then have 4 volumetric bodies.
  • There is still a defect on the gate. Insert/Face/Delete, selection of the 5 left faces (5 steps 4, there is a very small one. Choose the option "Remove and fill in discontinuities" and Validate


Wow, thank you Benoit! Great, I just tried thanks to your tutorial and it works:)



You're welcome. With this kind of problem, it's a bit of a case-by-case situation.

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