Turning a Dead Solid into a Shell

Hi all

I have to make an inward shell for prototyping from a solid solid made by design.

Given the complexity of the part, the hull function is impossible, moreover I tried by going through the surface and the offset surfaces but I am struggling......

Does anyone have a quick and effective solution?

I'll leave the room to you to see the solutions available to you.

Thank you all

Kind regards


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Show a screenshot of your room

You have the possibility to create a mold of this part

All you have to do is create a room that is larger than your room on either side

on your part and via a Boolean operation you remove the common bodies

So you end up with a negative of your piece

this said negative you make an axial cut in the middle plane

and from your cutting face you create a sketch converting the internal edge

and extrusion to the face

you do for the 2 parts

It's up to you to join the 2 parties




Attached is a screenshot of what I want to achieve... but not great in surface...

The starting piece is like my screenshot but full. (see attachment above)

Kind regards

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I didn't have a problem with the shell function, well if I did it in the right place...

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Give your basic STL

@ leblanc managed to make your case the wrong way but it's possible


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I only have the sldprt....

I need the shell inside, with a constant thickness of 1.8 mm....

Not possible in a shell at home:(

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I advise you to remove all the radii with a radius less than the value of your thickness.

Good luck



And with the surface, there's no way to do anything?

re hello

I think the problem comes from the small rays. Solid does not know how to handle rays that become negative and therefore cannot bind the surfaces attached to it because it cannot represent them. Delete them and restart your case function.

Used to working with solid dead, this is the most ch.. Nt... If you can ask for the file without leave! you'll save time!

Good luck


Indeed, holidays are a problem but I would like to keep in shape as it is.

Don't hesitate to try on your side with my file. And see if possible in surface?

If you look at my screenshot, I was a little successful in surface but the construction tree is huge and I don't know how to fill the space between my two surfaces to make a volume.

Thank you again in advance for your answers.


Indeed, if I increase the thickness the spokes are a problem. You can use the offset surfaces function (to 0) with the thicken function. If you already have the surfaces you need, you can sew these surfaces together and create a body, or create a solid that encompasses the whole thing and use intersection (make the solid transparent, it helps for this manipulation). You can also carve a volume with surfaces (~=intersection).

Try to shift your outer surface by the desired thickness to the inside, and to use the "material removal with surfaces" function, you may need to sew the surfaces and extend it a little if necessary.

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If fillet is a problem, deselect the surfaces to be offset, extend the surfaces so that they intersect, redelimit them if necessary, remove material with surfaces, and redo the fillets.

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All the proposals you make to me seem correct but I think I have already tried....

Could you try it on your side and send me your files?


Kind regards


On your attached image did you manage to do it well or I don't understand?




Occasionally maybe, for the moment it's complicated DSL. I have my only colleague from CAO who has been retired part-time since today...

No, on my attached image, I didn't get a volume:(


Yes, but you're almost there, you just have to create the surfaces between your ext and interior skin?

Anyway, there is no other way to do it than in surface by eliminating unnecessary surfaces, by creating the int offset of the surfaces possible, by creating surface limitations and by creating the surfaces between the int and the ext.

You can already work symmetrically on only one half.



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I just did a quick little test. I have attached the result. Would it meet your expectations? 



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Thank you again for your advice.

Coyote exactly, I'm almost there, but it's not easy to block all surfaces... And then how to fill the space between the surfaces to make a volume?

Jerome it could meet my expectations but at first glance your thickness is very low? No? I'm looking to make a 2 mm thick case. How did you proceed? Do you have the solidworks files with the build tree?

