Tapped hole

I want to do a non-standardized M8 thread on SOLIDWORKS but I don't know how to do it 


My problem is in the drawing, I don't see the symbol of a tapped hole (cross-sectional view)




What is the change?




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This link gives 2 tutorials rather well done, to see.



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you have your tap to signal via your tapping sketch

It's true that via the toolbox you don't see the fills (since it's via the default revolution tool (it's a revolution))

Now if you want to see a real thread you have to create a part with a net 

and do a Boolean operation to remove material


@+ ;-)

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See also to create a helical sketch and then on one of the ends of the helicoid create the section of the thread to be machined in the part. And in order to proceed with a removal of material following the helicoid.


I appeal to a distant memory but I think  it must be achievable...

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Good evening


I do all my tapping in this way


See attached video.


Otherwise here is a lein of the help for the "drilling assistance" function, which also does tapping.



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If you want to "see" the tapping, (actually the threads), you have to draw the sketch, and you have to remove the swept material, using a "spiral".





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If I may say so, you have 2 points on top of each other in your positioning sketch. Which also explains why you also have 2 thread representations for 1 traraudage.


Delete one of these points and tell us if it solves your problem...

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I removed your sketch and your tap and I recreated one with the drilling assistance" and when I make a cut view it works fine, I have the symbols of the tapping.

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Which SW version are you using?

Indeed, as @benoit say. If you have 2 points in your 3D sketch. But hey, even without removing one of these points, I don't have a problem in the drawing. The dimension M and the representation of the thread appear well.


--> On the other hand, it is possible that your sketch of the cut line does not go through the center of the hole. Reposition it by editing the sketch and I think you'll see your mesh representation.


Kind regards


See attachments




@+ ;-)

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You go to the option   tab Document    Property Wrap   Shaded thread representation, it's lighter than extruding your fillets


yes @ nicolas i agree with you 

my screen was to show a real thread

now the representation of shaded threads is far less greedy


@+ ;-)