Aluminium square tube Suppliers?


I am looking for profile suppliers but in small sections 10 x 10 x 1 mm and in lengths of 4 to 5 meters.

Most of the ones I find don't go below 20 mm or you can find at exorbitant prices in lengths of 1 m to 2 linear m maximum.

Also I am looking for a supplier for fluted aluminum profiles like Bosch Rexroth or ITEM elcom - aluminum profiles. 

I'm not very keen on Bosh Rexroth because they're as nice as the penal code and they take you for mentally retarded (even if it's true we don't point it out ;-)  right).

For this second part (fluted profiles, not the penal code) I would need your opinions and advice but I would make the request in another position.

Thank you in advance

Hi Zozo_mp,

When I need this kind of tinkering, I go back to the small metalworkers in the area. Those who make railings or pergolas. Well, it all depends on the need and the quantity...

In France, Elcom distributes Item.

What exactly do you call "fluted aluminum profiles"?


This type of profiles that have splines but I may not be using the right term (here Item)    :-)


@ all

I'm making a small UP because you must have suppliers of Alu tubes for basic square profiles (not like the ones in the image above).

The difficulty is to find some that have a 10 x 10 x 1 or X 1.5 section

If you like it, you have this in your tablets

See if there's a Guermont Weber in your area. It is to them that we turn when we cannot find...

Try at Jansen for the tubes.

For the tubular look at Elcom.

You can also look at Apore.


I admit that I'm not looking for too much 10x10x1 profile, worked in 13.5m semi-trailers and 8T PV ...  


Happy searching!


look at NORCAN

It provides profile or even pre-cut and machined for the fasteners


For the bar/fixings ...  Rexroth, there is AIO in Bordeaux I think. They also do cut-to-length, machining, assembly...  

Thank you, colleagues!

You are really nice to help me in my search.

By the way, we talk about AI to the point of making our ears feel good and I much prefer your intelligence :-)

Foragers understand gogoles and the like are unable to find you industrial suppliers easily. We first come across Merlin pinpin and other handymen who sell you 1m at the price of caviar.

THANK YOU, thank you very much

PS: on the other hand I'm super bothered to designate the best answer. I'm waiting one or two days to make this Cornelian choice ;-)

I hadn't thought about it, but adding 'industrial supplier' in the google search its help.


The search engine 'google' is especially made for ordinary people, if you want something particular you should not hesitate to add supplier reference or other complementary word. You might be surprised by the docs you can find on google!


Thank you for this little tip from the supplier indus!

Thank you @Mandragore for the suggestion.

In fact, I use the foragers very badly, or rather I write the request badly.

I'm going to take a closer look at this to better do my research.

Thank you @ all

I will use all the information you have provided me

Regards  ;-)