Crushed end tube

Hi all
I hope I'm in the right place to ask my question about SolidWorks
My problem is the following and not being a specialist in profile work, I don't know how to make the end of a cylindrical tube crushed at its end, i.e.:
• symmetrically with respect to its axis.
• tangently to the outside of the tube.
Is there a function in SW to draw this, or how should we do it.
If anyone can give me some advice, they will be welcome.
Thank you in advance


No choice

You have to go through smoothing

See this video among others

attached file SW 2012

 to be improved and managed according to these needs

@+  ;-)





Here is my tube

1 Like


A similar question here:


@Manu: It might be good to explain how you solve the problem rather than putting the piece in the PC.

On the one hand because not everyone has your version of the software (I'm thinking of other people than mbrel34 who could come by and ask themselves the question) and on the other hand ... Because you never learn as well as by redoing. As the saying goes, "Give a man a fish, he will eat someday. teach him to fish, he will eat all his life"


In short, a small apartment that has nothing to do with the question


Hey hehehe@coin37coin, "Give a man a fish he'll eat one day. teach him to fish, he will eat all his life", one of @gt22's favourite expressions! ;-)


Thank you for all these answers, but the link to the Rep-2.Sldprt document given by manu67 and the link indicated by Benoit LF are broken and therefore leave me wanting more.

A big thank you for the video indicated by gt22 and maybe a correction will allow me to visualize the broken links.

A +


1 Like

@Mbrel: for the @manu play, I don't know (version-version) .... But from home, the @benoit link works very well. I give it to you here as soon as

Wouldn't you have your connection throttled on your computer or a momentary loss of network at any rate?


@Benoit: This expression is very good. I have the adoration of @Gt22 for :)

1 Like

@ manu how to put you +1

since I don't have the same version and I don't see anything?

and it's not the first time I've told you this

it's annoying for people who don't have the same version or the same log

so an image immediately gives the view of the thing among other things ;-)

and nothing prevents you from putting your file attached ;-)

@+ ;-)

I see that the fish works miracles in April ;-)


DSL coin37coin & gt22 well everyone, I'm not used to it yet.... I made a PDF of my part, the only problem is when you use the smoothing function to connect the two parts is that this part is plain. I haven't found the trick to hollow it out yet.

1 Like

Here is the hollowed-out piece from one end to the other

here is the file under SW 2012

Hoping that this will help you understand the not easy approach to hollow out this part in surface it should go better there it's in volume and there are some restrictions of the log

@+ ;-)



Good evening to all of you,

Thank you very much for dedicating your time to solve my problem.

With the PDF file of Manu67, I understood the methodology to follow to obtain this flattening. I'm going to take my time and try to do it myself from A to Z

However, I have a question to ask you all, in the answers, gt22 for example placed a file test_cosse_creuse_dia_1_pouce.sldprt.

I thought it was possible for me to open it by clicking on it but instead of opening as I hoped, I get this result below:




'ƒ" ¢ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿRoot Entryÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ[1]0=£ƒÅ'οÔ@»W€ ̧i[Ñ€K_MO_VERSION_5000"


So my question is how to recover this file and be able to use it with SW 2013

Thank you for your answers

Just save the SW 2012 file and convert it to 2013 and you should be able to view it and work on it


@+ ;-)

A big thank you to all for all this information that allows me to find a solution to my problem.

I'm going to close this topic by clicking on the "I solved my problem myself" button because I don't see any other button to end this post.


@ mbrel34

And that means that no answer is conclusive

not find the answer that solved the problem to the question asked?

I find it very surprising ;-(

@+ ;-)

My problem is solved thanks to the various answers of the participants. Alone I wouldn't have been able to do it but I don't see any other button to close this topic and say that I have been given the solution.

I'm sorry for this quiproco

Once again, a big thank you for the help you all gave me.