A single profile with several sketches for mechanical welding

Hi all 

I created 3 basic profiles in SW in the format ". SLDLFP" with different materials and colors. I would have liked to know if it is possible to have these 3 profiles extruded in one go in a welded mechanic by grouping their 3 sketches into a single file". SLDLFP", rather than having to extrude the 3 profiles in turn and separately?



Why not do a rehearsal of your function??? You will only have an extrusion...


Good evening

No, that's not possible. The "Mechanically welded element" function can only create one  body per trajectory.


AC Cobra 427, what do you mean? 

I have 3 profiles of different shape, color and material, I don't understand how you can do a function repetition...

Yves.T, okay thanks for the info, that's what I thought!

The fact is, if you have

a 3-component assembly

of different material and color

following the same profile (Guide Curve)

and have the possibility to list them in your nomenclature 

you have to do it in 3 bodies that can have the same profile 



gt22, sorry, I don't really understand the story of "doing it in 3 bodies that can have the same profile"... (I'm a bit of a beginner in SW).

It doesn't matter, it was only a way to gain a little time; I'll base myself on Yves.T's answer

Yes you are obliged to make 3 different profiles, on the other hand you can make sure that the origin is the same to use the same reference so that your parts are placed as they should be in relation to each other and also each one its color / material.



That's right, that's what I did;) Thank you for the advice!