Units in MOTION


I'd like to know if it's possible to set the units in Motion,

i.e. if I want to enter my data in km/h instead of mm/s or in rad/s instead of RPM (Rotation Per Minute = Revolution Per Minute).

Similarly, we can change the units we get in graphs, in particular being able to put Rad/s instead of the degree/s.

In the main units of the model, you can put time, but not Kilometer. If we change the angular unit, it also affects the drawings.

For mechanical calculations the rad/s is good but the dimensions are also in rad afterwards.

In short, can we have access to the units of motion and be able to change them at will?


Thank you

Hi @ alain.erp


I found you this in English



@+ ;-)

Thank you for your help gt22,

While this video is interesting, it just changes the type of unit (from MKS to IPS).

This allows it to have Inches instead of Meters for example.

It doesn't put rad/s for output graphs for example. He does the math himself to transform deg/s into rad/s.


Yours sincerely




Are these the same settings as Simulation?

If so, see here:


Otherwise I found this, but I don't know if it fits, not having Motion (a priori it's for the units of the function and not of the document, to be checked):


to reply to @alain.erp


The most beautiful girl in the world can only give what she has


I haven't found anything better so far


International standards have very precise units of measurement





Table 3.  Consistent derived SI units with special names and special symbols
among others the radian see page 23
Nothing prevents you from doing the study with the units here and making a table copy via exell with your units according to the adoc formula
@+ ;-)




You can't put in KM but only in m.

So if you type 10m/h, it converts to mm/s, the same to angular, if you type 10 rad/s, it converts to RPM.



  • for the linear motor, you can enter  mm/s or cm/s and SW converts to m/s. on the other hand, it does not include km, dm and certainly not the other multiples. For the time, I didn't manage to put anything other than seconds.
  • For the circular motor, we can put rad or deg; he converts. For time, however, it accepts hours (h) and minutes (min)
  • On the other hand, nothing to do for the graphs, at least I haven't found how to modify the ones that SW propose by default. 

On the other hand, if you type 100m/h in a linear motor, SW changes to 100m/s: it doesn't convert!

Don't look for it, we can't! The only possibility is to enter RPM instead of RAD/s.

For output results, rework excel tables.
