Unable to use scroll button


In solidWorks 2013, if the scroll button is pressed, it is possible to rotate the part.
But this function no longer works on my machine. I tested with another mouse but it doesn't change anything.
Is there a checkmark to select to enable this feature ? (I can't find anything). The problem may be with the drivers

Do you have an idea?


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Hello, try to look in your Solidworks options (see image)


But for me, you will have to go and see in your Windows settings (Config panel/mouse)

Where in your mouse software if you have a particular one.


Change the batteries?^^



A similar question has already been posted, look here if you find a solution to your problem?


In summary, it can be the drivers, you can update them and see if it works, it may be a problem with the config window that has jumped, to see in the control panel! Or your broken button?




Thank you for this information.

It's noted, I'm going to go and do some tests.


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Ok, keep us posted! ;)

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If the suggestions of my friends are not enough, you can try to reload your custom settings (this implies that the problem is only on SolidWorks and happened suddenly),  follow this tutorial, everything is there. http://www.lynkoa.com/tutos/copier-restaurer-les-param%C3%A8tres-solidworks-2009

Tutorial based on SW09, but the operation remains the same regardless of the later versions, just the graphics change.

If you already have a backup (sldreg file), reload it. If you don't have one, save a colleague's settings (the position where the mouse works properly).

If it doesn't solve the problem, it can't be a bad thing. This approach solves other problems!

Keep us informed.

Indeed it was in the Winfows control panel --> mouse.

Thank you

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Who was right =)


It's bibi:p


You're welcome;) Don't hesitate!


Looking forward to it!


( Can you close your question by filling in the best answer?  It would be nice =) )