Use of derivative parts under SW/ visiativ

Hello, visiativ recommends not to use derivative parts because of external references, because PDM always gets the links of these parts when upgrading to a higher version of SW.

Question 1: Can we nevertheless reassign the broken links?

Question 2: Is there another method by keeping the component links?

Kind regards.

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Hello anja_Andria,
And welcome you to the forum, hoping that we can help you find the solution.
For my part, I don't advise you to use derivative parts.
=>Parts - 2022 - SOLIDWORKS Help
Kind regards.

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For my part, I regularly use derivative parts, never had any problems!
Previously on PDM, the same, no problem when upgraded.

And strangely, I remember my first PDM deployment, the speech I had from VISIATIV (consultant) was rather to be careful with configurations, and to favor derivative parts.
→ versioning being at the file level and not at the config level, it is very (very) difficult to trace the evolutions of one config among others.

I don't understand VISIATIV's argument and frankly this type of speech annoys me a little: they resell the solution and rather than taking the side of the users and putting pressure on the publisher to make a feature reliable, they prefer to advise us not to use it!

@A.R, why do you advise against using them?

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And here we are, unfortunately, once again coming back to this Cornelian problem of the modern world!

The Cloud is beautiful, the 3DX is great... Aah yes though... oops... it badly manages configs, derived parts, families of parts, parts in a room, symmetrical parts...

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Not sure @anja_Andria was talking about the 3DX pdm.
In any case, on my side and to rephrase more precisely: no problem with the external refs of parts derived in SW PDM.

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Ok, thanks for your feedback.

I have the impression that in the end everyone takes the risk of using external references through derivative parts. The best thing is to have the feedback of someone who has already encountered this pb

No, I don't use pdm 3DX

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For the use of external refs with PDM, you must remember to lock these external refs before archiving and validating.

Out of curiosity, what use(s) do you make of derivative parts?

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Oops, hello Silver_Surfer,
Sorry I confused " derivative " with " virtual ", it's the virtual ones that should be avoided. And moreover, we don't use PDM at the moment. (I have known " Smarteam " and " @udros " and " a safe on Inventor ")

I use derivative parts to detail each step of the manufacture of a part. We could transpose the parts method by using the configs but it becomes very laborious with the fact that a fab step can also belong to other finished parts (pooling the fab processes): we end up with a file containing all the possible derivations of finished parts

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Derivative parts and virtual parts/assemblies are used.

The problems are especially present on virtual parts/assembly where it can happen that PDM does not manage (or mismanages) some virtual files (and therefore goodbye to 100% reliable use cases, problems with pdf generation on our dedicated workstation...).

On the derivative parts, we haven't really noticed any problems. But indeed, EPDM (V2020 for us) does not manage the use cases for derivative parts well (so our former EPDM reseller had made us a request to find this information in the SQL database).