Using the middle mouse button


Previously (in an older version of Solidworks), when I would middle-click on an edge, I could rotate only around that edge. In my current version (2019), nothing to do, no matter where I click, I can't favor a rotation axis for the view.

Thank you for your help


If it still works like this. On the other hand, there is a little trick: click the edge with the middle button, release the button and then re-click the edge by holding down the button.

Or double-click on the entity with the middle button.

Kind regards


Thank you

But I'm a donkey, you have to right-click and uncheck "turn around the stage floor", and here I am back to the usual behavior. I had never noticed this option.

Kind regards



Thank you @Michel.meunier100, for your explanation, because for some time I had the same case as you, the rotation was all rotten, I spent a crazy amount of time in the options looking for what setting it could be, I ended up copying a colleague's settings so that it came back as it should,