We have had a Freestyle X 3D scanner from FARO for a little over a year.
This one was sold to us as an exceptional product by FARO's sales representatives... Big disappointment when you realize that FARO doesn't care about you once the product is sold.
Indeed, since we got the scanner, we have had a series of problems and suffer from the exceptionally slow response time from FARO support. In the end, the product was stuck for at least 8 months!
If you have some time to read all this, it may be interesting to get an idea of what to expect when you go to FARO:
We started the problems with untimely connection/disconnection of the scanner on the tablet (surface pro) sold with the freestyle.
A FARO support person comes to know about the problem without having any idea of the source of the problem.
The complete suitcase (scanner + tablet) goes back to the after-sales service in Germany. After 10 days we are informed that the scanner comes back to us, officially one of the cameras has been changed (what does this have to do with the problem?).
Once the equipment is received, we have a training on the software, we learn that the accuracy of the scanner is not 1mm (+-0.5mm) as indicated on the website but indeed +-1mm, so 2mm (note that we still go to -100% accuracy...)
We do a test again and scan a vehicle. Immediately we have new problems: crash of the SCENE CAPTURE application (which allows us to perform the 3D scan). These crashes appear at any time (sometimes even when the calibration is not finished...)
We are still contacting support who ask us to send them the error files that were created during the crashes. Once the files are sent, they don't find any problems... A person from FARO comes to bring us a 2nd Freestyle scanner.
We do the same test with the 2nd scanner on our tablet, same crash!
So we decide to do the test with a laptop instead of the tablet, we have the same crash with the 2 scanners whether on the pc or on the tablet.
Several months pass between each test because the response times to our emails are enormous (sometimes one or two weeks to answer a simple email!!) Obviously it is impossible to reach them by phone...
After hours of testing on our side and a dozen error files sent to support, they explained to us that they had found a problem with the software's plan detection. An update is created a few months later and this fixes the problem.
6 months have passed since the first problems, we think that this update will finally allow us to work with the 3D scanner! We are redoing tests and indeed no more crashes as before. On the other hand, the scanner keeps picking up (which forces you to start the scan again because when it picks up it creates an unreal skin) and the scan lags a lot on the tablet's screen, if you move a little too fast the scan crashes...
Again contact the after-sales service who takes days to answer and who finds no solution.
So we did some tests on our own and concluded this (which FARO never told us openly but often told us in a roundabout way):
The tablet that comes with the scanner is not at all suitable for running a FARO 3D scanner, it is not powerful enough and cannot provide enough power for the scanner to work properly.
So we now use a high-end surface book, no more lag, very fast flashes (whereas before they were slow) and a much smoother scan...
This is a big summary but it has been a big mess for more than 8 months, answers to our emails too long, impossible to reach them by phone, salespeople who denigrate their sales colleagues, and it ended with a salesperson who talks to us in a very vulgar way and who makes totally inappropriate remarks for a representative of his company (telling us that if we doesn't want to pay for another more high-end scanner and therefore solve the problems we have, he will recover and go to the toilet tonight as usual and that he will sleep well).
They have therefore closed the open file related to the problems we have encountered, while they have not proposed any lasting solution. They still dared to send us a satisfaction questionnaire following this...