Using a 2D Image to Help with Construction in CATIA


To help me build a room, I want to use a 2D image as a wallpaper.

This is done with CATIA with the "sketch tracer" module of the "form" module.

Once the module is launched, you have to use the "create an immersive sketch" function and insert an image in the .bmp format.

I went through these steps except that when inserting my image I get the following error message:


The error message tells me: "Incorrect viewing mode, replace it with material mode in order to see the paintings".

As a result, the image in CATIA does not appear, I have a gray square instead of an image.

Do you know where I can fix this visualization mode?

I didn't see anything in tool-->option-->general-->display-->visualization about it.

Thank you in advance for your help.


I'm not on catia but it doesn't have to do with the display mode? Wired, shaded etc. ?

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See this tutorial among others



OK thank you for the tutorial.

But what I do is precisely to carry out this procedure. except that on my side the 2D image doesn't appear when I insert it...

And I get the following error message:
"Incorrect viewing mode, Change it to material mode in order to see the paintings".

In other words, how can I fix CATIA to stop having this error? My intuition is that I must have a bad setting in the options...

Thank you in advance for your advice

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You have to look realistic to see the images.


From what I have read

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+ 1 gt22 +1 Bart

I don't have this module but as you can see in the gt22 link the mode used is the one indicated by Bart (realistic rendering with texture).


Great thanks for your help.

The realistic mode with texture solved my problem that the 2D jpeg image inserted in CATIA is now clearly visible!

Thank you for your help.


All credit should have gone to @Bart.