Use an assembly sketch to constrain or size a part


Ex-user of SolidWorks I am now on Inventor; and I would like to use an assembly sketch to constrain or size a part on INVENTOR

On SW I used a lot of sketches in an assembly to control the geometry and position of the parts of the same assembly. (I had a guide sketch)

Today on Inventor I realize that I can't constrain in relation to this guide sketch, and moreover when I project elements of this sketch in a room it works but it's not adaptive. Do you know if there is a trick? What if Inventor doesn't allow this? Or if I just missed an option somewhere?

Thank you

I don't think it's possible, unless it's evolved over the past 3 years.


It was with Inventor that I got into the habit of making well-differentiated parts and having to rework the ribs each time from one part to another.

That said, by dint of it, we also find advantages ... like copies of unrelated pieces that break. Or a little more self-checking. (But that's a long time away^^)

I didn't see that you had asked a new question,

Below is the link for my new answer:

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I saw aurélien but now it's just to know if I don't just have a problem with the configuration of inventor.

I find it hard to believe that a part sketch can be adaptive and not an assembly sketch.... It's still a shame!! Autodesk do something!!